About Us
Shaman's Dawn
Shaman's Dawn is a small business owned by Adam Kane and Al Romao. We are dedicated to being of service to our community- the people, land, and spirits. The products that we create are all handmade in small batches using high quality ingredients with a focus on sustainability, environmental impact, and healthy living.
Shamanically Charged
One of the primary things that sets Shaman's Dawn handmade items and supplies apart from other sources is that they are all blessed during shamanic ceremony.
When a batch of products is complete we infuse it with healing energy, prayer, and intention through shamanic ceremony. This is done to "wake up" the nature spirits of the botanicals and to ask the healing spirits of creation to bless the items for their intended purpose.
About Adam Kane

Adam started his spiritual journey into shamanism while growing up in the woods and mountains of the NY Catskills. With the support of his parents he forged deep relationships with the spirits of nature and the land that he grew up in. In the mid 80's he began more formal studies in the area of metaphysics which led to his studies in shamanism and indigenous spirituality in the early 90's. Adam has learned from medicine people and shamans from North, Central, and South America, Tibet, and Africa as well as studying with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies in the US.
Adam practices and teaches cross-cultural shamanism with an emphasis on Peruvian, Mayan, North American, Tibetan Bon, and Kemetic teachings. Being of service to the community is of great importance to Adam as it is a central aspect to practicing shamanism. Adam works with clients for shamanic healing ceremonies in the Hudson Valley and Catskill region of NY in addition to being co-owner of Shaman's Dawn.
More information on Adam can be found at www.shamanstent.com/about/adamkane.html
About Al Romao
Al has been studying shamanism since 2006 after going through a spiritual awakening while traveling in the jungles of Belize in Central America. Upon returning from Belize he began studying shamanism with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies as well as working with medicine people from Peru and Belize.
Prior to beginning his path in shamanism Al was a self-trained percussionist. He still carries his love for music and rhythm by working with the healing vibrations of sound.
It was during a return visit to Belize in 2012 that Al received the message from the spirits to focus on the growth and care of Shaman's Dawn and the creation of our hand made items. It was because of this spirit guidance that Shaman's Dawn has blossomed into a provider of consciously made supplies for spiritual communities throughout the United States.
In service to the community Al also works with clients during one-on-one healing ceremonies, community healing circles, and sound healing concerts.
More information on Al can be found at www.shamanstent.com/about/alromao.html